Complete Clean Uninstall of V-Control Preferences
In some occasions V-Control preferences may need to have a clean uninstall. To do this...
1. Delete the V-Control App from Applications Folder
2. Delete the V-Control preferences from /Users/Name/Library/Application Support/V-Control Pro.
To clear Raven preferences delete the Slate Media Technology folder, but be sure to copy this folder to another location in order to save the user created Batch Commands, Recordings, and Icons.
Get to this menu by "option clicking" the "Go" menu in finder located on the menu bar.
3. Go to HD/Library/Application Support/MIDI Device Plug-ins and delete the V-Control Bundle
Get to this menu by the "Go" menu in finder located and scroll to the "Computer" folder.
There is one more V-control device in /Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Components
After clearing out these preferences reinstall the Raven software.
4. Un-install UPDD from. /Applications/Utilities
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