Logic Pro X Mixer and Raven Internal Mixer alignment
Logic Pro X has many variables that can change the size of the Mix window and this can cause issues with the Alignment of the Raven Internal Mixer. Make sure the Logic Mixer is scrolled all the way to the bottom and the Solo/Mute buttons are directly over each other.
Raven uses Screensets 8 and 9 to open the Project and Mix windows. So if the alignment is off, adjust it by hand and then Unlock and Lock the Screenset so Raven will recall the correct screen set when switching in-between Project and Mix.
When working on an older project it is easy to adjust the window bounds by importing the Raven Template "Screensets". This Raven Template is installed during the Raven installation and can be found in /Users/Name/Music/Audio Music Apps/Project Templates.
Navigate to "File" and select "Import project settings" from the project settings window. Then select the RAVEN template file and check the box for Screensets. This will automatically set the windows to the correct location.
Be sure that all the items are showing in Channel Strip Components.
The Scrollbar should be set to "Always" Show.
Be sure the Display Color preferences are set to the Top Default Settings.
Note: Changing the Color of the screen can upset the alignment of the Internal Raven Mixer since it is only setup for default screen colors.
Keeping the OSX Dock Hidden will also help the Alignment.
Press the Bank Left 24 button a few times to reset the Raven Internal Mixer and see if that helps alignment.
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