Mac OSX Spaces/Desktops: Using Multiple Monitors with the Raven

Mac OSX Spaces/Desktops: Using Multiple Monitors with the Raven

Since the Raven needs to be the main display by default, users may prefer to have other applications open on a different monitor than the Raven. To utilize all of Mac OSX display features setup your mac with these settings.

  1. To show the Apple Menu Bars on both displays, Check "Displays have separate spaces" in System Preferences /Mission Control.
  2. Open Mission control with the  f3-mission-control-key.png button. Then create Multiple Desktops using the Mission Control "+" button on the top right corner of the display. These desktops will allow access to the Dock on every display that is set to a desktop. 

  3. Right click the desired application in the dock and set it to open on the correct desktop. 


Note: Always set RAVEN and the DAW to a "None",  as  fixing these apps to single desktop will interfere with the window saving preferences. 


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