Cubase Raven not showing Faders when Opening Project.

Cubase Raven not showing Faders when Opening Project.

Open first opening a Cubase project it is important that the project has 16 or more tracks. So HUI will send the fader info to Raven and V-control. If starting from a blank project the first time opening Cubase and Raven.

1. Open up Cubase and load a New project then create 5 tracks. Then launch the Raven software.

2. Open the "Floating" or "External" mixer and notice there are no faders showing.

3. Create another track and notice the new track showing up on Raven.

4. If some faders are still not showing in the first couple slots, drag the last track from Cubase up to the top track of the Project and this will force V-control and Raven to update those empty slots. This will "Re-Draw" the Raven faders so everything will be synced between Raven and Cubase.

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