Convert 3.0 RAVEN Sessions .ravlay to RAVEN 4.0 .rvn sessions

Since RAVEN 4.0 has added the ability to create as many RAVEN panels and categories as desired, the old format ".ravlay" has been changed to ".rvn" file extension. 

To convert old .ravlay over to .rvn user should launch the RAVEN 4.0 toolbars and then in the RAVEN Dashboard hit the "Load Session" button on the button left and load the .ravlay file.   

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 6.30.01 PM.png


Now, enter the Batch Command Browser area and under the "User" tab all of the 3.0 RAVEN panels will show in this area ready to be dragged and dropped over to the new categories. 

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 7.06.53 PM.png

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